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App Description

About Roger's Resource Work-Up App

This Work-Up app facilitates you in writing evidence based orders quickly.

It is a “Just the facts” app a wonderful tickler system for the most common workups and diseases seen in the field of internal medicine.

As a medical provider, I needed to retrieve information quickly without reading through volumes of data. Many or most computers did not have information for providers and you didn’t have the leisure time to read. You are expected to know. So I kept information on tablets, binders, or on my phone (which somehow always got erased). In clinical practice, we get 15 minutes to see a patient which is really almost 5 minutes – to gather the necessary history and come up with a diagnosis, and order necessary studies. The Rogers Resource- provides you with just the facts!

An app to assist the provider in accurate workups for the most common medical problems.

The Rogers Resource’s Workup App is the one concise indispensable tool so you can make an accurate diagnosis in less time!!

For Physicians, NPs, PAs, Nurses, LVNs, instructors, and students.

Download to your phone today for instant access.

Purchase App

With Rogers Resource Workup Orders,
You will have a “Tickler Resource” in the palm of your hand!!

Download Work-Up orders today!